Present scenario:
Users manually enter address info, leading to inconsistent/incorrect data on the system.
With Autocomplete API integrated:
Users just need to search for the address and select it. System will do the rest - it will copy the standard address info from Google and auto-populates the address fields on Siebel.
High level technical flow:
1) Add a custom PR at applet level and associate to address MVG: “Account Address Mvg Applet”
2) In ShowUI function on your applet PR do below,
Get the ActiveView - SiebelApp.S_App.GetActiveView();
Get the applet map - active_View.GetAppletMap();
Search for “Account Address Mvg Applet” as MVGNewRecordApplet
if the MVGNewRecordApplet Mode is “Edit” then,
Add a new input field above all the current fields. This is what I did,
I got the Controls object from pm - pm.Get("GetControls").
Then got the control for the first field: “Street Address” - controls["Street Address"]
Then get the input name to select it using jquery - staddrctrl.GetInputName()
Once you get handle for 1st input, get the closest table and add a new <tr><td> for your input on which you are going to enable Google Auto Complete later.
Below is the code snippet for your reference which goes under ShowUI():
var active_View = SiebelApp.S_App.GetActiveView(); var applet_Map = active_View.GetAppletMap(); var MVGNewRecordApplet = null; var appletName = "Account Address Mvg Applet"; if (applet_Map.hasOwnProperty(appletName)) { MVGNewRecordApplet = applet_Map[appletName]; if (MVGNewRecordApplet.GetMode() == "New") { pm = this.GetPM(); bc = MVGNewRecordApplet.GetBusComp(); var controls = pm.Get("GetControls"); var staddrctrl = controls["Street Address"]; var staddripname = staddrctrl.GetInputName(); var staddrIPHolder = $("[name=" + staddripname + "]"); var tableHolder = staddrIPHolder.closest("table"); tableHolder.before('<tr><td colspan=2><input type="text" id="dynamic_addr_ip" style="height: 20px; width: 258px;" maxlength="200" tabindex="0" class="siebui-input-align-left" aria-readonly="false" placeholder="Enter your address here"></td></tr>'); } }
2) Next is to load Google Map API using AJAX by calling preGoogleLoadAPI() function. Refer to my previous blog for details:
Google map integration with Open UI – route planning based on sales reps calendar!
3) Now, call your custom function to enable autocomplete. Below is the code for my custom function:
4) So, whenever user types an address and selects one on my new input field, google event listner will call my fillInAddress() function. I am getting all the formatted address details from Google API and populating my Siebel address fields. You will get the details for that in above google api link.initialize = function () { if (typeof (google.maps.places) !== "undefined") { var input = $('#dynamic_addr_ip')[0]; // this is my custom field added above $('#dynamic_addr_ip').focus(); autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input);// this is how you enable Auto Complete using google places! So simple isn’t it? google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function () { fillInAddress(); //whenever user changes the address info on new input field, it will call my custom function to fill address. }); } };I will direct you to this google api doc to understand how autocomplete works: Google Map API - Place Autocomplete Address
All I am doing is, doing bc.SetFieldValue() for each address field. (BC I got from MVG applet as shown above: bc = MVGNewRecordApplet.GetBusComp();
Let me know if any questions. Copy of my PR, attached below.
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