Saturday, 28 June 2014

Enabling Open UI Mobile - detailed instructions!

Please read my previous blog for enabling Open UI here:

Enabling Siebel Open UI - detailed instructions!

Steps to have Open UI Mobile enabled: 
1) Create Object manager for Open UI

Follow the steps from previous blog to create new Object Manager SalesmObjMgr_enu. To enable Open UI Mobile for SalesmObjMgr_enu set below params: (Imporant ones: EnableOpenUI, MobileApplication and CFGApplicationName)
"Applet Select"
"Tablet:iPad,Linux,Android-Chrome,webOS,MSIE-Windows NTTouch,MSIE-Windows NT-ARM|Phone:iPhone,iPod,Linux,Android-Chrome-Mobile,MSIEWindows Phone"
"Siebel Sales Enterprise Mobile"

Below are the srvrmgr commands to set them:

change param EnableOpenUI = True for compdef SalesmObjMgr_enu

change param AppletSelectStyle = "Applet Select" for compdef SalesmObjMgr_enu

change param HighInteractivity = True for compdef SalesmObjMgr_enu

change param MobileApplication = True for compdef SalesmObjMgr_enu

change param EnableInlineForList = Never for compdef SalesmObjMgr_enu

change param ShowWriteRecord = True for compdef SalesmObjMgr_enu

change param EnableSIFocusTracking = True for compdef SalesmObjMgr_enu

change param SupportedMobileBrowser = "Tablet:iPad,Linux,Android-Chrome,webOS,MSIE-Windows NTTouch,MSIE-Windows NT-ARM|Phone:iPhone,iPod,Linux,Android-Chrome-Mobile,MSIEWindows Phone" for compdef SalesmObjMgr_enu

change param CFGApplicationName = "Siebel Sales Enterprise Mobile" for compdef SalesmObjMgr_enu

After creating the compdef you need to activate it using below command.
activate component definition component_alias_name
In our case, it will be
activate component definition SalesmObjMgr_enu

Now, synchronize the comp by running below command.
Sync comps

2)Set-up web server for Open UI

a) Adding Virtual Directory for salesm_enu
> Logon to your web server and navigate to \BIN directory under SWEApp. In my case, D:\SIA81\SWEApp\BIN
> Run below command from windows command prompt to create a virtual directory on your IIS.
metabaseedit.exe salesm_enu eapps.mtb

b) Pointing your virtual directory entry to the new Object Manager
> Take back up of your D:\SIA81\SWEApp\BIN\eapps.cfg
> copy the existing entry for your Siebel HI Object Manager and modify the ConnectionString it as below.


EncryptedPassword = True

AnonUserName  = <existing anonymous user>
AnonPassword  = <existing anonymous user password>
ConnectString = siebel.TCPIP.None.None://<gateway>:<port>/<EnterpriseName>/SalesmObjMgr_enu
WebPublicRootDir = D:\SIA81\SWEApp\public\enu
SiebEntSecToken = <existing token>

3) Restart your enterprise in below order:
> Bring down world wide web, all Sieb servers and gateway
> Bring up in this order: Gateway, all sieb servers and WWW

Now, access the new URL: http://<webserver>/salesm_enu

Let me know how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. This informative post appears to be the best help Mobile Application Development Company. Very simple solutions pave the way for the complete elimination of errors. Thanks for such info and keep on sharing such posts with online users.
