Saturday, 28 June 2014

Enabling Siebel Open UI - detailed instructions!

If you have reached to this blog, it means you have done the upgrade to Siebel If you haven't yet decided then refer to my previous blogs on Siebel upgrade and the need for Open UI here:

Siebel upgrade Vs moving to cloud

The need for Siebel OpenUI

The need for Open UI Mobile

Prerequisites for enabling Open UI:
> Siebel with latest patch set installed
> Incremental Repository Merge completed
> Latest fully compiled srf is deployed

Steps to have Open UI enabled: 
1) Create Object manager for Open UI
It is always easy to clone an existing working Siebel HI Object manager rather than creating a brand new one. I will give you details for both the options.

NOTE:I am a big fan of using srvrmgr command line as you can build re-usable commands and run them on DEV, test and prod whenever you need. Below is how you connect to srvrmgr command.
1.      Login into the Application server and navigate to the Drive where Siebel Server is installed (eg: d:\sia81\siebsrvr\bin)
2.      SRVRMGR /G “gateway servername” /e “enterprise servername” /u login /p password

Option 1) Clone your current Siebel HI Object Manager
Connect to srvrmgr command prompt and run below command
copy compdef from source_comp_def_alias to target_comp_def_alias
For example, I want to clone 
my current Siebel HI Object manager SSEObjMgr_enu into 
a new Open UI (OUI) Object manager SSEObjMgrOUI_enu

copy compdef from SSEObjMgr_enu to SSEObjMgrOUI_enu

Option 2) Create a new Object Manager for Open UI
Connect to srvrmgr command prompt and run below command
create component definition component_alias_name
for component type 
component group 
run mode run_mode 
full name "component_full_name"
description "description_of_component"
with parameter
parameter_alias_name1=value, parameter_alias_name1=value

For example, I want to create a new object manager: SSEObjMgrOUI_enu for my Sales application,
create component definition SSEObjMgrOUI_enu 
for component type AppObjMgr 
component group Sales
run mode interactive 
full name "Sales Object Manager OUI (ENU)"
description "Sales Object Manager OUI (ENU)"
with parameter 
MaxMTServers = 2,
MaxTasks = 120,
CFGApplicationName="Siebel Sales Enterprise",
CFGApplicationSplashText = "Siebel Sales OUI",
CFGApplicationTitle = "Siebel Sales OUI",
SecAdptMode = "LDAP",
SecAdptName = "LDAPSecAdpt",
ConfigFile = "siebel.cfg",
Lang = "ENU",
CFGShowMessageBar = "User Enable",
Crypt = “NONE”,
FileSystem = "\\siebsrvr1\Siebfs",
LocaleCode = "ENU",

To enable Open UI for above Object Manager set param:EnableOpenUI to TRUE as shown below (you can include it while creating the comp iteselft)
change param EnableOpenUI = True for compdef SSEObjMgrOUI_enu

After creating the compdef you need to activate it using below command.
activate component definition component_alias_name
In our case, it will be
activate component definition SSEObjMgrOUI_enu

Now, synchronize the comp by running below command.
Sync comps

2)Set-up web server for Open UI

a) Adding Virtual Directory for salesoui_enu
> Logon to your web server and navigate to \BIN directory under SWEApp. In my case, D:\SIA81\SWEApp\BIN
> Run below command from windows command prompt to create a virtual directory on your IIS.
metabaseedit.exe salesoui_enu eapps.mtb

b) Pointing your virtual directory entry to the new Object Manager
> Take back up of your D:\SIA81\SWEApp\BIN\eapps.cfg
> copy the existing entry for your Siebel HI Object Manager and modify the ConnectionString it as below.
EncryptedPassword = True
AnonUserName  = <existing anonymous user>
AnonPassword  = <existing anonymous user password>
ConnectString = siebel.TCPIP.None.None://<gateway>:<port>/<EnterpriseName>/SSEObjMgrOUI_enu
WebPublicRootDir = D:\SIA81\SWEApp\public\enu
SiebEntSecToken = <existing token>

3) Restart your enterprise in below order:
> Bring down world wide web, all Sieb servers and gateway
> Bring up in this order: Gateway, all sieb servers and WWW

Now, access the new URL: http://<webserver>/salesoui_enu

Let me know how it goes!


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